Realty Speak®
Resource Blog
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COVID-19 Resource Blog – Bill updates this page ongoing as new relevant information comes available
Last Updated Wednesday - March 11, 2021 @ 07:30pm by Bill Weidner Originally published April 10th, 2020, this blog has evolved day to day over the last 6+ months to a resource for you that provides easy access to a plethora of relevant information during this...
Do you know what Senate Bill S3082 and Assembly Bill A05573 are? (Formerly S2892b) It’s about preventing evictions without good cause BUT what it really does is create permanent tenancy with mandatory lease renewals!
This blog was originally posted March 2, 2020 and received a major update to the original version on February 25, 2021 to reflect the 2021 Legislative Session for the Senate and Assembly. It will be periodically updated as more information becomes available and was...
New York City – Local Law 152 aka LL 152 – Periodic Inspection of Gas Piping Systems. Final Rules and Enforcement.
Everything you need to know about New York City Local Law 152 (LL 152) IS AVAILABLE AT KeepMyGas.nyc NYC Local Law 152 (aka LL152) of 2016 Periodic Inspections of Gas Piping System (GPS) was introduced by the NY City Council, Committee on Housing and Buildings on...
Housing Stability and Tenant Protection Act of 2019
On June 14th 2019 NYS Senate Bill S6458 was enacted as the “Housing Stability and Tenant Protection Act of 2019” (HSTPA). Here are some links that will help you understand the law and keep up to date on the media around it. Audio/Video of the NYS Senate from the...