NYU Dean Sam Chandan together with KPMG partners Shruti Sha and Yesenia Scheker participate with me in this very relevant, timely and thought provoking conversation that will have you asking yourself “what can I do to help build the blueprint for change”.

Download the PDF for the KPMG paper “Building the blueprint for change – Women in real estate”.
Download the PDF for the KPMG “Survey Results”.
KPMG WEB PAGE: Building the blueprint for change: Women in real estate

To Reach Dean Sam Chandan, NYU SPS Schack Institute of Real Estate:
Website: https://www.samchandan.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/samchandan
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/samchandan/

To Reach Shruti Shah, KPMG Partner Advisory Services:
Email: skshah@kpmg.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shruti-shah-6524328/

To Reach Yessi Scheker, KPMG Partner, Global Tax Leader – Real Estate:
Email: yscheker@kpmg.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yesenia-scheker-izquierdo-a9398a4/

As always – Bill, the host of Realty Speak®, is ready to be a resource to you when you finance, sell or purchase investment real estate and help you navigate around what you already own.
To reach Bill:
Email Bill at bill@billweidner.com
Call/Text at 917-232-8529.
Visit Bill’s website www.billweidner.com
Connect with Bill on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/billweidner/
ALL EPISODES: https://realtyspeak.nyc/episodes/

Disclaimer:: This podcast represents the views of the interviewees only, and does not necessarily represent the views or professional advice of KPMG LLP.