Just when you thought you knew everything about using your real estate to create liquidity, Stuart came along with more insights for you.
Stuart Gelb, President at The Liquidity Source shares his depth of knowledge around the many options available to property owners to create liquidity from real estate assets. A timely and important episode that you won’t want to miss.

To Reach Stuart:
Stuart Gelb, President at The Liquidity Source
Email: stuart@theliquiditysource.com
Call/Text: 516-353-6244
Commercial Mortgage Quote – CLICK HERE to connect with Stuart Gelb when considering the financing of any part of your existing portfolio or when purchasing a new building or site. Stuart will loop me in to help you with the process.
Connect with Stuart on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stuartgelb/

To Reach Bill:
As always – Bill, the host of Realty Speak, is ready to be a resource to you when you finance, sell or purchase investment real estate and help you navigate around what you already own.

Email Bill at bill@billweidner.com
Call/Text at 917-232-8529.
Visit Bill’s website www.billweidner.com
Connect with Bill on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/billweidner/
ALL EPISODES: https://realtyspeak.nyc/episodes/

Additional Resources from Bill:

NYC Local Law 152 – Periodic Inspection of Gas Piping Systems – Solution @ https://www.keepmygas.nyc/
Property Owner and Property Manager Resource Page