When Rick Kaplan, The NYREJ and NEREJ Event Producer and EMCEE suggested that Realty Speak moderate a live panel of 4 very astute investment real estate industry professionals; the answer was an emphatic, YES!
In the is episode Attorney – Michael Sahn, JLL Chairman of NY Investment Sales – Bob Knakal, Lendlease Executive General Manager – Melissa Román Burch and Attorney – Gary Meltzer shine a bright light of optimism on what otherwise could be perceived as dark days ahead.
They share actual examples of how New York is not already making a big come back, but also moving forward as we embrace new ways and ideas of how to get from here to the future.

To Reach Bob
Bob Knakal, Chairman, NY Investment Sales
Direct: 917-509-9501
Profile: https://www.us.jll.com/en/people/bob-knakal
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bobknakal/

To Reach Michael
Michael Sahn, Managing Member
Sahn Ward Braff Koblenz PLLC, Attorneys At Law
Office: 516-228-1300
Profile: https://sahnward.com/att_Michael_H_Sahn.html
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michael-sahn-91a13517/

To Reach Melissa
Melissa Román Burch, Executive General Manager
Lendlease Americas
Office – 212-592-6700
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/melissa-román-burch-27813b2

To Reach Gary
Gary Meltzer, Real Estate Chair
Meltzer, Lippe, Goldstein & Breitstone, LLP
Office: 516-747-0300
Profile: https://www.meltzerlippe.com/attorneys/gary-m-meltzer/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gmeltzer/

To Reach Bill:
As always – Bill, the host of Realty Speak, is ready to be a resource to you when you finance, sell or purchase investment real estate and help you navigate around what you already own.

Email Bill at bill@billweidner.com
Call/Text at 917-232-8529.
Visit Bill’s website www.billweidner.com
Connect with Bill on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/billweidner/
ALL EPISODES: https://realtyspeak.nyc/episodes/

Additional Resources from Bill:
NYC Local Law 152 – Periodic Inspection of Gas Piping Systems – Solution @ https://www.keepmygas.nyc/

Property Owner and Property Manager Resource Page


Commercial Mortgage Quote
 – CLICK HERE to connect with Stuart Gelb, my investment property loan partner, when considering the financing of any part of your existing portfolio or when purchasing a new building or site. Stuart will loop me in to help you with the process.
Who is Stuart? Listen to his Realty Speak Episode HERE.

Thinking of selling your investment Property?
CLICK HERE to contact me to discuss your goals so I can craft a plan to sell your investment real estate and also make sure that at closing you have a plan for the sale proceeds and that you shelter as much of those proceeds from capital gains tax as possible.